Best Cell Phones Under $250 – Buying Guide
For the best cell phones under $250 list, we have considered only unlocked cell phones. These cell phones are packed with following features:
1.) High processing speed(Around 1GHz processor)
2.) 3 inch – 6-inch touchscreen display
3.) Decent primary camera with many advanced features, some with a secondary camera also
4.) Android/Windows OS
5.) Around 1 GHz RAM
6.) Decent battery
7.) 8 GB – 16 GB Memory
8.) Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, 3G, USB support.
Find the best cell phones under 250 dollars at Amazon
Here we have compiled this list on the basis of many expert review sites, Amazon ratings and cell phones price between $200 to $250. Almost all well-known brands are targeting this price segment, some of the top manufacturers of the best cell phones under $250are Samsung, LG, Noki, and Sony.
Top 5 cellphones under 250 dollars are given below:
# 1

# 2
Moto G6 with Alexa Hands-Free – 32 GB...
# 3
Moto X (4th Generation) with Alexa...
# 4
No products found.
# 5
Nokia 6.1 (2018) - Android 9.0 Pie - 32...
Last update on 2023-06-11 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API